Money Duo
Money Duo
The money and success honey jars have very different ingredients than the one used for love. Money honey jars are used to bring in money, increase traffic in business flow, if someone owes you money or you’ve been waiting on money coming in, the money honey jars will draw that money in.
Filled with money drawing and success ingredients! Sit back and watch your money pile up. The honey jar will last you a lifetime as long as you don’t break it!
Directions: light the big money candle for at least three to four hours, daily. Place the small green candle on top of the honey jar, light the small green candle, let the wax melt over the honey jar. Leave the small candle on for at least an hour. If you don’t feel comfortable leaving the small candle on you can always just light the small candle, tilt it, and let the wax drip onto the jar.