Fertility House Wash
Fertility House Wash
Charged with love and made with herbs, crystals, and oils that increase fertility and promote a successful pregnancy. Herbs, crystals, and symbols are for the purpose of success when trying to conceive. Helps to increase fertility, passion, peace of mind, and love. Perfect to use during a time of trying. Filled with pure positive energy, blessed, and prepared just for you. It’s important to believe and to see the pregnancy already happening. Visualization is key to manifestation and with this by your side it’ll be even easier to draw in that energy.
Best when used with the Fertility Candle, Fertility Oil, Fertility Body Wash and Fertility Body Spray.
Directions: pour some into your mop water, then mop as your normally would. May also, pour some on a rag to cleanse your furniture. (Can also be used in your work space, car etc.)